Wii U Will Be Compatible with 3D TVs

Nintendo has made it clear in the past that the Wii U will not be a 3D machine. According to the higher-ups at the Big N, they already have a system for that: the 3DS. Despite that, the company has stated that the Wii U will indeed be compatible with 3D TVs if you're into that sort of thing.

"If you are going to connect Wii U with a home TV capable of displaying 3D images, technologically, yes, it is going to be possible, but that's not the area we are focusing on," said Nintendo President Satoru Iwata in an interview with Mercury News. "When it comes to 3D, we already have the 3DS, and each owner of the Nintendo 3DS is capable of viewing 3D images. However, when it comes to the home console, it depends on the availability of 3D TV sets at home, which, unfortunately, is not expanding enough. And rather than pouring a lot of energy into that kind of area, with the Wii U we'd like to focus more on each Wii U owner being able to have an equal opportunity to enjoy it."

It seems Nintendo still isn't sold on the whole 3D home console thing, but they feel the need to include that functionality for gamers who do care about it. Additionally, it's doubtful that the company will develop titles that run in 3D early on, but that shouldn't stop third-party devs from doing just that. Of course, if the whole stereoscopic visuals thing catches on and more people start buying 3D TVs, Nintendo may be interested in developing some games with optional 3D functionality.

I don't actually know anyone who owns a 3D TV, and I certainly don't have one in my gaming space. But there is a small minority of gamers out there who enjoy playing games on their snazzy 3D TVs. The inclusion of 3D support on the Wii U should definitely be something that makes this crowd especially overjoyed.