[Watch] Here’s a breakdown of what you’ll be fighting in Prey

Don't let the Nightmare find you.

As we shuffle along towards the May release of Prey, Bethesda and Arkane Studios have delivered more details on the alien lifeforms that will be found in Talos I. A new trailer for Prey has given us a breakdown on what the Typhon (the alien lifeforms) can take the form of and a bit of what they do.

In Prey, you are able to enhance your character with Typhon Neuromods. These Neuromods give you special abilities, but it doesn't come for free. The game will react to how many Neuromods you choose to use.

“The more Typhon Neuromods you install, the more Typhon-like you become, and the more the Nightmare becomes aware of you,” explained Lead Designer Ricardo Bare. “You might find yourself in a situation where you’ve gathered a bunch of Neuromods, you level up a bunch of your Typhon abilities, and suddenly you’ll hear this huge screech – and the Nightmare’s on your tail.” 

Plenty of Typhon information can be found at Bethesda.net, but it won't come in the bullet point form found below.

Typhon Details



  • Imitates inanimate objects
  • Devours and absorbs organic matter
  • Supply energy for weavers
  • Can become 'Elite Mimics'


  • Create various entities:

    • Phantoms: Created from the remains of humans that have been consumed by Mimics
    • Telepath
    • Technopath: manipulate machinery
  • Controls weaker willed organisms
  • Creates Coral " a colorful thread-like substance" with an unknown purpose


  • Converts mimics into telepaths
  • Possesses other entities, like humans, who are aware of their inability to control themselves.
  • The Psychoscope keeps them out of your head.


  • Spawned by Weavers, a hybrid of Typhons and human corpses. If a Weaver fails in its attempt to make a Phantom, a Poltergeist Typhon can be spawned – they are invisible… so be wary.
  • Can carry weapons, keycards or other inventory items.
  • Come in a variety of forms with different strengths and powers.

Prey is set to release May 5, 2017, for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.