The Operational Morningstar in Borderlands 2 is the best/worst gun ever

Get ready to be nagged for your damage

The Operational Morningstar is a unique sniper rifle. While it offers a nice critical hit boost, it's also a talking Hyperion sniper rifle that will always remind you that you're a horrible person and you should feel bad. If you want to grab the Morningstar for yourself, you can find it on the Hyperion Contract 873 mission in The Highlands.

About that critical hit boost… for every critical hit you get with the gun, you'll gain an additional 20% critical hit damage bonus while hearing about how awful you are.

Every time you shoot, the gun will nag you. Everytime you reload, the gun will nag you. It's a great gun, but annoying as hell.

Here are some of the guns sayings, before you go out and grab it for yourself.





