The Last of Us: Ashley Johnson Also Doing Mo-Cap for Ellie

When The Last of Us was revealed at the VGAs many wondered who would be doing the voice for the young girl, Ellie, that was shown in the trailer.  Despite Ellie's glaring similarities and mannerisms to actress Ellen Page, it was revealed that the voice actress for Ellie was Ashley Johnson.

Creative Director at Naughty Dog, Neil Druckmann, debunked the rumors, tweeting, "The two leads of The Last of Us are played by Troy Baker and @TheVulcanSalute. You’ll be hearing from them pretty soon."

Of course, @TheVulcanSalute, turned out to be Ashley Johnson.  While some were disappointed that Ellen Page wasn't the voice, I – along with many others – thought Johnson did a great job as the voice of Ellie.

As it turns out though, Johnson is not only doing the voice of Ellie, but the actions and motions for the character as well.  Responding to fans on Twitter, Johnson revealed that she is also doing the motion capturing for Ellie in The Last of Us.

While this may not be a big deal for some, I personally find it comforting that the voice actress is also doing the motions for the character.  For a game that looks to rely so heavily on story and character, Johnson performing the actions of Ellie can only benefit her voice acting for the character and should make the character reactions and expressions more believable.