Here’s the trailer for the Black Widow standalone movie we’ve all been clamoring for

She's just a girl looking for love in the city.

Avengers: Age of Ultron absolutely killed it on its opening weekend, pulling in over $200 million and putting it at the second highest domestic opening in history. Marvel's Age of Ultron is the latest film in their movie schedule that spans through at least 2020.

There are 11 more films to go (well, 11 with set release dates); two more Avengers films, one Thor film, Guardians of the Galaxy 2 and a number of other films. One thing that has been noted is that of the Avengers, Iron Man, Hulk, Captain America, and Thor have their own films. Black Widow and Hawkeye do not. And of the upcoming Marvel films, there's only one film that has a female lead — Captain Marvel.

SNL took this to heart and took it upon themselves to give us a Black Widow film that fans always wanted — Black Widow: Age of Me. The trailer takes a more personal approach to Black Widow's story, looking at her friendships, her job at a fashion magazine and falling in love.

Some would say that we need more female super hero movies and major companies like Marvel and Sony need to take it upon themselves to create the films for the sake of gender equality. The thing is, these companies are not social avengers — they are looking for the films that will offer them a return for their investment. They want to make movies that make them money.

Captain Marvel (and DC's Wonder Woman film) have the opportunity to show companies that female lead superhero films stand a chance in the box office and have the potential to spawn more female superhero films (please remake Cat Woman). The thing is, whether we will end up seeing more films like that in theaters depends on who pays to see it (and not who waits for it to be on cable).