GZ News Update 11/18/13: Binary Domain goes free & PS4 sells over 1 million

Welcome fellow video game enthusiasts to GameZone's News Update. Want the latest breaking news, delivered in a quick, easy to digest way? Then look no further, and enjoy these latest headlines from the day.

Last week, PlayStation Plus subscribers, assuming they picked up a PS4, enjoyed two free titles: Contrast and Resogun. While both are still completely free to download and play, Sony is offering two new games to PlayStation owners who may not have upgraded as quickly. Available tomorrow, PS3 owners will getBinary Domain, while PS Vita players will be offered Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath.

PlayStation 4 sales surpassed the one million mark within the console's first 24 hours at retail, Sony announced over the weekend. Sony's next-gen system launched in North America on November 15, so this number is restricted to U.S. and Canada sales only; it'll release in Europe on November 29, and Japan on February 22, 2014.

As we say adieu to League of Legends’ Season 3, there will be some amble farewells for the great memories and intense rage-fests which occurred along the way, but the future is in the preseason of Season 4. Just because the world is playingLoL, doesn’t mean Riot can kick off their shoes and call it a day. On the contrary, Riot wants to make this mammoth of a game even better.