Aquaman will kill men with a trident in Injustice: Gods Among Us

Alright guys, come on… Aquaman gets the most s#$% out of every super hero out there. Of all the super powers in the entire comic world, there are far WORSE than what Aquaman offers. So what if he is water themed… that doesn’t mean he still can’t be a complete bad ass. He is the King of Atlantis, which HAS to mean something… right? He killed a man with a trident!

Regardless of your feelings about our fish talkin’ friend, he is looking pretty sweet in Injustice: Gods Among Us. In the trailer he's seen leading an army, riding a giant aquatic creature, and stabbing the Flash with a trident while calling for a shark come and eat him. He will fit in the roster just fine.

Check out the video above and somehow get more excited for Injustice.