The Dead Linger is the sandbox zombie game you’ve always dreamt about

In case you didn’t get the memo, Kickstarter is officially ‘a thing’ now.  This site is helping movie and gaming developers alike in making their dreams come true.  By just putting your idea out there and then social networking it – bam, you offer a product for fans to support.  Of course there are perks to backing a project… but I have a feeling you’re familiar with how it works at this point.    

Well Kickstarter strikes again, this time for a post-apocalyptic zombie game.  I know what you’re thinking… ‘again?’  While the genre is often beat with a wooden stick until there is no sense left to be had – that doesn’t mean the genre should be thrown away.  It just means it will take something new for this type of game to stick out. 

This is where The Dead Linger comes to play.  How is it unique?  Simple, THIS is that sandbox zombie game you’ve always dreamt about.  It’s first person, an open sandbox, about 25,000 kilometers in game content, every new world is different, every building can be entered, and there is no door that can’t be opened – what else could you ask for?       

I know I’m not the only one who has a group of friends where we discuss and share zombie apocalypse strategies with one another.  In case an outbreak occurs, we’re ready.  With this game we can put those strategies to use.  In Dead Linger you and 15 of your buddies can all play in the same giant world.  First off, you are going to have to pick a location for an HQ.  Scavenge, barricade, fortify, and store the old world’s treasures for when the zombies come – and they WILL come.

You don’t want to play with friends?  No worries.  This game comes with solo, cooperative, and PvP modes to cater to all players.  If you’ve ever wanted to simulate a post-apocalyptic zombie experience, this is your game. 

Due to this being a Kickstarter project, they need your help to get it off the ground.  They are looking at a reasonable goal of 60,000 with 23 days left – they are already at 46,000 as of this post.  There are multiple tears of rewards for helping this team out.  For $25 you will get a copy of the game once it comes out.  For $100 and beyond you can get unique content named after you in form of a street sign, store sign, in game graffiti, etc.  The more you pledge the wilder the rewards become. 

Check out The Dead Linger Kickstarter page here and see if it’s something you’d like to donate too.  Open sandbox zombie game, that’s all I’m saying.  I know you’ve thought about it before.  They plan on releasing and Alpha sometime between 3 – 6 months from now.  Get the white board out for strats now.