Vib Ribbon releasing on PS3 and Vita tomorrow

Prepare the beats, you'll need them.

We have patiently waited 14 years to see Vib Ribbon come to North America. It's finally time for us to bask in the glory that is Vib Ribbon!

This will be the first time the United Stated will be seeing this classic PlayStation rhythm game.

The game puts you in control of a rabbit-thing that has to overcome obstacles in time with the beat in the background music. When it first released, you could insert you own music disc and have the game create levels based on the tracks in the game. This feature will still be available today! Your music will truly make the game.

Vib Rib

Interested? Hope you have a PlayStation 3 and Vita! Vib Ribbon will be hitting those consoles tomorrow.

[PS Blog]

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