Twitch Plays Pokemon is back with an Anniversary Red Run

One year ago today, we met Lord Helix.

It has been one year since Twitch Plays Pokemon took the world by storm, we have felt the glory of the mighty Helix Fossil, we have known Pidgeot to be our savior…and it's happening all over again.

You might have no clue what I'm talking about (Helix Fossil, Pidgeot the savior?), but it is a story that captured the attention of over 75,000 viewers and ended up being the most watched stream on Twitch for a while.

The concept is this: A stream was set up to play Pokemon Red, but not by any individual gamer — buy the community. The game uses commands sent through the Twitch chat and relays them into a game. If that chat reads “up" or "start" the action will be made in the game, moving up or opening the start menu. 

To commemorate the anniversary of Twitch Plays Pokemon's beginning, we are going back Pokemon Red. This time we aren't simply in it to beat the game, we are going to complete the Pokédex. The Anniversary Red Run will have certain limitations:

Democracy will be enabled using area-based timers. In other words, in certain suspect areas where we may need democracy, streamer has set it so that democracy will automatically enable itself once we have been in that area for over 24 hours total. If the area in question is left, the timer will stop, and anarchy will be re-instated.

As of writing this, Charmander has been chosen and over 10,000 people are watching the Stream…

Watch live video from TwitchPlaysPokemon on

[Thanks, Andrefpvz]


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