The features and hardware upgrades of the New 3DS XL

The future of the 3DS

If you’ve been on the fence about whether you want a New 3DS XL or not, January’s 14th Nintendo Direct talked about all the new features of this hand held device. If you’re anything like me, you rarely play games in 3D due to your inability to move your head without feeling absolutely sick. Well the New 3DS XL has new face tracking technology. This will allow for smooth viewing from the sides and from a wider angle. With this new feature, you’ll actually not have to fear the 3D feature anymore.

Another new and desired hardware feature is the C-Stick which works as an analog stick. This allows for easier 360 degree movement, looking, and generally more control. Imagine the new ease of using super smashes.

Quite impressively is the upgrade to the processing power of the 3DS. In the Nintendo direct they showed a side by side comparison of the boot up time of Super Smash Bros. It was insulting how much faster the New 3DS XL booted compared to its predecessor. This upgrade allows for general smoother running, faster home menu, faster applications, and allows developers to create games with more juice.

The touch screen can also trace amiibo activity. Simple tap the bottom of the amiibo on the touch screen to get all the character info into the games that allow them. This bad boy also comes with longer battery life, new micro SD cards, instructions how to swap data, and it comes with a 4GB micros SD.

This new console will be sold for $199.99 on February 13th. Not too shabby.