Sony brings back the PlayStation E3 Experience

Attend Sony's E3 Press Conference in a theater near you

Last year, Sony gave fans the chance to experience their E3 Press Conference in a big way, on the big screen. It was actually so popular that the tickets "sold out" in just 15 minutes after becoming available. It also helped that the tickets were completely free.

This year, Sony is doing the same, but greatly expanding the list of theaters in order to make sure that at least one theater per state will be showing the E3 Press Conference. Three cities in Canada will also have theaters showing the press conference. The tickets will still remain free and become available at 9am PT/ 12pm ET on May 27th.

The tickets will be reserved for 80% of the theater, while the remaining 20% will be for you old-fashioned folk who enjoy lining up outside the theater; these will probably go by a first come, first served basis.

The event starts at 6pm PT / 9pm ET and runs for about two and a half hours, with the last half hour reserved for some extended interviews and first looks courtesy of Geoff Keighly. Attendees will also get a special PlayStation-themed surprise.

You can look out for tickets and locations on this page come May 27th.