Rainbow Six Siege closed beta planned for Xbox One and PS4 later this year

Pre-order to guarantee access

Earlier this month, Ubisoft opened up closed alpha registration for Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege. Noting that the game is still "a work in progress," the closed alpha is exclusively on PC for only those in North America and Europe; however, Ubisoft has also confirmed that a closed beta for more platforms is planned later for this year.

Addressing rumors stemming from a GameStop marketing poster leaked online, a Ubisoft spokesperson has confirmed that the closed beta is coming later this year, with those who pre-order the game guaranteed access.

"Yes, you can now pre-order Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege to get access to the Closed Beta later on this year," Ubisoft said in a statement. "Stay tuned for more information on the Closed Beta in the coming months."

The beta will follow-up on closed alpha, and will be available for PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4. For those of you interesting in joining the upcoming alpha on PC, you can sign up here.

Rainbow Six Siege
