Nidhogg creators release spaceship platformer, Flywrench on PS4

Before Nidhogg, there was Flywrench

Flywrench is a game that started as a simple prototype back in 2007, but the game didn't see the light of day until 2015 when it released on PC. The little space ship you pilot did appear in Super Meat Boy between then, and now Flywrench has officially made its console debut on PS4 earlier this week.

Flywrench, like many other unassuming indie titles, has an intense focus on difficulty and skill-based gameplay. The game's PS4 version comes with 12 all-new levels and minimalist visuals designed to let your guard down. The game loop's core mechanic deals with the player flipping the ship's polarity to match the colors of the obstacle, and along the way, you can expect to die a lot. The object of the game is to complete all of the trials and reach the center of the solar system.

Flywrench is available now on PS4 and PC and retails for $6.99.