Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance trailer shows off upgradable skills

If there was every possibly any doubt that Raiden is going to whole sale slaughter hundreds upon hundreds of soldiers in Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, throw those doubts to the curb. If that carnage isn’t enough for you, don’t’ forget you’ll have opportunities to literally slice your foes into the tiniest possible morsels.

This new trailer shows off some of the upgradable skills Raiden will have access to throughout the game. Most of these abilities feature electrical themed names, such as: Thunderstruck (you’ve been), Falling Lightning, Sweep Kick (put him in a body bag Johnny), Sky High, Cercle de L’ange, Stormbringer, Wake Turbulance, and Chant de L’ange.

Check out the video above, preorder Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, and get ready to unlock some murderous skills.