Distant Worlds composer claims Final Fantasy 12 remake is incoming

Basch lives...in HD

According to composer Arnie Roth there's a Final Fantasy 12 remake coming, though he probably means a remaster. Final Fantasy 12 composer Hitoshi Sakamoto was on hand and didn't correct him, so Square Enix isn't officially backpedaling on this one just yet. Still, one has to believe that having Arnie Roth reveal the game is probably not how Squre Enix wanted to let the cat out of the bag, if a Final Fantasy 12 remaster is in fact happening.

If this announcement turns out to be true, it will mark the first time that Final Fantasy 12 has made an appearance on a more modern, HD system. It's currently the only Final Fantasy title not represented on a seventh or eighth generation console, which is a shame considering it's one of the best looking PS2 games ever made. (Vaan's horrible ab textures aside)

Given its unique status as the only Final Fantasy that requires a discontinued console to play, it's not too unreasonable to believe this is happening. Besides, Square Enix can only remaster Final Fantasy 10 and 10-2 so many times. Hopefully, if it does exist, this version of Final Fantasy 12 will take after the vastly superior International Zodiac Job System version that never made it to Western shores.