Amazon wants your Xbox One Day One Edition trade-in

Not happy with your Xbox One Day One Edition? Maybe it hasn't quite lived up to your expectations? Amazon is currently accepting Xbox One Day Edition consoles for trade-in.

Normally $499.99 at launch, Amazon will pay you $427.50 for your Day One Edition. Although you'll definitely be taking a hit on the console, the money in return is enough to purchase a PlayStation 4 which costs just $399.99. But if you're unsatisfied with the Xbox One, I doubt you'll find much more pleasure with the PS4 at this point in its lifecycle.

Amazon is specifically looking for Day One Editions which were available — as the name suggests — closer to the launch of the console. While you could find a few Day One Edition consoles shortly after launch, most retailers are now sold out of them. As a result, the price for these special editions have skyrocketed on second-hand resale sites like eBay. Although you'll probably get more on eBay, selling to Amazon is probably less of a hassle.
