GZ News Update 9/30/13: Killzone takes up 50GB and Xbox One coming to a city near you

Welcome fellow video game enthusiasts to GameZone's News Update. Want the latest breaking news, delivered in a quick, easy to digest way? Then look no further, and enjoy these latest headlines from the day.

Xbox One tour locations and dates announced

With the Xbox One's release just a little over a month away, Microsoft is putting their foot on the gas when it comes to promoting the next-gen console. The platform holder announced today the locations and dates of its Xbox One tour, an event that will see the Xbox team travel with the Xbox One to various cities, offering gamers a chance to go hands-on with the new system. From October 1st through the end of the year, Xbox One will be on display either through "Area One" or "Test Drive."

Killzone: Shadow Fall is a whopping 50GB on PS4

Good thing Sony is introducing this whole "Play as you Download" functionality with the PlayStation 4 because Guerilla Games' Killzone: Shadow Fall will be roughly 50GB in size when downloaded from the PlayStation Network.

New Destiny trailer coming tomorrow, but for now enjoy the box art

Bungie confirmed today that a new gameplay trailer for their highly anticipated next-gen title, Destiny, will be released tomorrow. According to the developer, it will be "set in a destination a lot of fans have been asking to see for the first time."

Gamers prefer PS4 over Xbox One, new holiday poll finds

A new poll from Reuters/Ipsos indicates that gamers are more likely to purchase the PlayStation 4 over the Xbox One when the two next-gen consoles from Sony and Microsoft, respectively, launch this holiday season.