‘TVs to show the games’ the extent of Microsoft’s Xbox One television talk

I think we can agree that all of the TV talk during the Xbox One's reveal last week was a bit much. Who knew controlling the television with a remote control was too much work!? Granted, Microsoft warned us, but I still think many of us would've preferred to see more games. Microsoft has already explained that its Xbox One reveal would be split into two parts — the first (on May 21) dedicated to the entertainment side, and the second (E3) dedicated to games — but gamers are still skeptical.

Microsoft spokesperson Larry 'Major Nelson' Hryb has set out to ensure that there will be no talk of television or other forms of entertainment, aside from games, during the Microsoft press conference. Hopefully that includes Microsoft's policy on used games.

"I can confirm that we will have TV's (or similar) on stage to show the games," he said in response to some mocking of Microsoft's emphasis on television during the initial Xbox One reveal. "That should be the extent of TV talk in your #E3."

Both Microsoft and Sony should come well-prepared with games to show off during their respective press briefings. Microsoft has already said they've spent $1 billion on Xbox One exclusives, while Sony CEO Kaz Hirai as touted the PS4 as "all about the gamers." We've seen a brief glimpse at a few of the games each console will offer, but now it's time to see the real heavy hitters. What games do you hope to see announced?